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Early Years

And Foundation Stage


The Early Years Foundation Stage is the period of education from Birth to 5 years.


The Early Years Foundation Stage at Summerfield Primary School consists of both Nursery and Reception classes.


In Nursery we have 52 part time places: 26 morning places and 26 afternoon places. In January and April, we offer places to rising 3s. Children in Nursery receive 15 hours free Early Education Entitlement funding. 


Our Reception is made up of 2 Reception classes with 30 children in each class.


At Summerfield we provide our children with a wide range of knowledge and experiences through our well-planned curriculum. We also recognise the importance of our local area as an essential part of our curriculum as we celebrate the local traditions, cultures, and celebrations within our diverse community.   We embed this celebration of diversity into all areas of the curriculum and everyday teaching and learning.






In the Early Years Foundation Stage at Summerfield Primary School, every child is recognised as a unique individual, and we celebrate and welcome differences within our school community. This is particularly important to us as we have a rich and diverse community which is reflected within our EYFS. We also have a very high percentage of children with English as an Additional Language.


We are committed to providing children with the best possible start to their school life. We build on what children already know and can do, responding to their interests and needs and tailor our teaching accordingly. We used the Development Matters Framework to develop our own Curriculum Intent document.  This is the compass that guides both our teaching and assessment. We use this to develop Medium Term Plans (Half Termly). We also run Enrichment Afternoons where we focus on enriching the children’s experiences with fun sessions such as nature, cooking, walks to the park amongst other exciting activities. In addition to this we use the Birth to Five Matters Document within our environment to inform and enhance our Continuous Provision. We also consider the Characteristics of Effective Learning in all of our planning.  These are the behaviours children are encouraged to use that interweave through all aspects of learning at our school. 


To learn well, children must approach opportunities with curiosity, energy and enthusiasm. Effective learning must be meaningful to a child, so that they are able to use what they have learned and apply it in new situations. These abilities and attitudes of strong learners will support them to learn well and make good progress in all the Areas of Learning and Development.



What do we mean by curriculum? 

What is taught and what is experienced as a result of our provision.


What do we mean by pedagogy? 

The method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept.


What do we mean by adult lead teaching activities?

How the curriculum intent is taught by the adults.


What do we mean by curriculum provision?

How the learning environment and adults support and enhance children during self-directed time.


What do we mean by assessments?

Desired high-level outcomes and measures of these outcomes.


School Uniform

Children in Nursery are not expected to come to school in uniform. From Reception, full uniform is expected for all children. You can find a list of our uniform requirements below.

For any enqiries about school uniform please contact the main office.

                           Boys                           Girls
  • White polo shirt 
  • Green sweatshirt/jumper 
  • Black/grey trousers
  • Black/grey school shorts
  • Black shoes
  •  White polo shirt 
  • Green sweatshirt/jumper or cardigan 
  • Black/grey trousers
  • Skirt/pinafore 
  • Green and white Summer dress 
  • Back flat heeled shoes
  • Grey or black tights

