Promoting British Values at Summerfield
In June, 2014 Michael Gove set out plans for all school children to be taught ‘British values’.
The then Secretary of State for Education announced that from September 2014, England’s 20,000
primary and secondary schools would be required to actively promote tolerance, fairness,
respect for other faiths, and the rule of law and democracy.
Preparation for Life in Modern Britain
We want our children to acquire knowledge, skills and a respect for others that will empower them in the future. We strive to consciously create a curriculum that allows children to be aspirational individuals who are given opportunities to develop their confidence and resilience.
Preparation for Life in Modern Britain
The government’s ‘PREVENT’ strategy sets out how public bodies manage the risks of radicalisation and extremism.
“Schools can play an important role in helping young people to become more resilient to the messages of violent extremists, and in tackling the sorts of grievances extremists seek to exploit.”
At Summerfield we create an environment where all young people learn:
1. Tolerance and Respect-To understand others - Behaviour Policy/Assemblies/RSE/Forest School/Mentoring/School Values/RE
2. Tolerance and Respect-To value and appreciate diversity - Behaviour Policy/Assemblies/RSE/Forest School/Anti-Bullying Policy/Celebration days/School Values/RE/Mentoring
3. Democracy and Individual Liberty-To develop skills to debate and analyse –RSE/School Council/English/RE/Mentoring
4. Tolerance and Respect To learn about and explore the values shared by different faiths and cultures –RSE/RE/School Values/Mentoring
5. Rule of Law-The historical context and issues around citizenship, identity and current affairs - RSE/Assemblies/ Forest School/History/English/RE/School Values/Mentoring
6. Multiple Aspects of British Values To explore controversial issues facilitated by teachers to broaden their horizons by fostering good links with different community groups and external organisations. PSS, School Nurse, Police, Childline, local places of worship.
If we have concerns that a pupil may be being exposed to extremist material or influences, we offer support through mentoring and by ensuring that the school is involved in the local partnership structures working on preventing violent extremism. Any concerns relating to matters of radicalisation or extremism are reported to the DSL for Child Protection and usual Child Protection protocols are followed.
The 'WRAP' Home Office PREVENT training took place for all staff in September 2020.