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Online Safety

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We are delighted to let you know that we are now set up on the Safer Schools app and you can help us to make our school community safer!


What is the App?

Simply put, the Safer Schools app has been designed to make your community safer online.


Through online safeguarding advice tailored to roles, you can get access to information such as safety settings, online risks, social media advice and blocking and reporting. We hope that his will help us work together to keep our children safer and have an impact on the local community.


How to get started


1. Download the app


2. Use the QR code to connect to Summerfield Primary School

Summerfield Parent Guides

A Parent Guide To Online Gaming

Social Media Guide For Parents

At Summerfield we understand that the internet is essential in 21st-century life for education, business, and social interaction. As children move up through the school their access to various types of technology increases and it stands to reason that their exploration and curiosity increases too. The positives of the digital world overwhelmingly outweigh the negatives but children, schools, and parents all need to be aware of various online risks and how to keep themselves safe online.


In school, we use a filtering system to prevent children accessing inappropriate sites. We also have regular 'online safety' lessons to remind children of the importance of keeping themselves safe online. But unfortunately, this doesn't extend beyond the school walls so we need your help too!


How can you help keep your child(ren) safe at home:


  • Try to avoid unsupervised access to the internet.

This, potentially, allows your child(ren) to access all kinds of society (both good and bad) and bring them virtually into their homes.

  • Encourage 'tech' free bedrooms.

You can help to protect your child at home by keeping computers and iPads in shared areas. This will not only help you be more aware of what they are accessing online but also help your child(ren) develop good bedtime routines.

  • Be aware of what your children are accessing on the internet.

Talk to your child about what they are accessing online for example social media and find out how they are using it, what they are posting, and who they are talking to.

  • Remember even some games offer chat features.

You may be surprised to find out that some gaming apps that appear innocent also offer chat features which may open your child(ren) up to strangers online. Ask them to tell you about the games so you can find out more about them.

  • Help to reinforce our SMART rules.


We at Summerfield follow the SMART Rules:



  • TikTok has updated their parental controls allowing you more control over how your child accesses Tiktok! Please read this article if your child is one of the many obsessed with the craze and take action to protect them!



  • Among Us is one of the latest crazes we have heard about from our children. Here is a parent's guide to this app.



  • Gone are the days when children wanted to be teachers, doctors, or nurses, we now live in a society where one of the ultimate dreams is to become an Influencer! We love our children to have aspirations and to strive to achieve their dreams but we also want them to understand that what they see online isn't always the whole picture and to understand that what looks simple and easy may actually have taken a lot of work! Here is a parent's guide to Gaming Streamers & Influencers.


Parent Workshop.


In any normal year, we would invite our Parents in to talk to you all about the importance of Online Safety and the role you play in keeping your children safe online. Unfortunately, this year is a little different so I would ask you to pretend you are at school and go through the PowerPoint included below which offers some important information and guidance on subjects such as:


  • The inappropriate use of social media and apps.
  • Apps to be aware of.
  • What Online Safety means to you as parents.
  • Tips
  • Online Safety in School.
  • External support and support from school.


If you feel you need any further advice on how best to keep your children safe online, please do not hesitate to contact either Miss Atkins (Pastoral Manager) or Miss Walker (Computing Lead) both will try to offer you any advice you need or point you in the direction of further support!


Thank you!

Parents E-Safey Workshop PowerPoint

A Guide to Search Engines


Please note that no search engine is ever 100% safe but below provides some links to some “safer” search engines:


Research searching:






Google offers a safer search option for children searching on the Internet. You can find out how to do this by downloading the instructions at the bottom of the page. 


Image searching:






When children are accessing games via Xbox LIVE, privacy settings can be set up.  To read more, click here.

Setting up Google Safe Search

The following links and articles contain useful information to support you in keeping your child(ren) safe online.
