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Coronavirus Outbreak Letter to Parents and Carers




17th March 2020


Dear Parents / Carers,


Latest Update on the School’s Response to the Coronavirus Outbreak


Following a meeting of the school’s Governing Body it has been decided to limit visitors to school and the occasions when the children might further be exposed.


Therefore, it has been decided to cancel all before and after school clubs with the exception of Breakfast Club. This will continue as normal at this stage.


We are also cancelling trips scheduled for this term and these include the Year 4 residential, which we are trying to reschedule for later in the year, and the Nursery trip to the Sealife Centre.


Further cancellations include the ESOL classes, the Barnardos Mother and Toddler Group and all other Parent Groups and the Parents’ Evening due on Wednesday 25th March 2020.


Can I remind parents that if your child or another member of your family shows symptoms then the whole household should self-isolate for 14 days. If we send a child home with symptoms this applies.


It may become necessary in the future to close and it is important that we are able to continue to communicate with parents and carers. Can you, therefore, make sure that your contact details are up to date with the school office, especially any mobile phone numbers. This can be done in person or by contacting with your details. 


Further updates and information will be made available via the web-site


School will remain OPEN until we are told otherwise by the government or until we are at crisis point and unable to staff the school safely.






Mr. R. Ellis - Headteacher





